Ok, so I know it's been more than a few weeks since I last posted and that just means you've got even more to see and read about now! We've been oh so busy, that this has gotten pushed to the back- so I apologize, but I'm here now! Since last posting, we've moved and have done everything from camping, surprise parties, birthday parties and I've started a new job, so I hope you can forgive the late post! At least I'm here now! Like I said, alot has been happening for us and it only seems to be getting started around here.
My biggest accomplishment recently has been the baking, decorating and presenting of my sister's wedding cake- it took quite a bit of time, but I'm so glad I was able to do something like that for my sister and new brother-in-law. Here's some previews of it....
The view of the cake from the front. A friend of mine made the figurines on the front of Collette and Chris. Everything is edible including the seashells and dark blue borders around the bottom of each layer. If they really wanted to, they could eat eachother since the figurines are made of fondant which is just an edible sugar!
The view of the cake as it was being finished- it didn't have the figurines yet, but I think it still looks great. Each layer is covered with cornelli lace (also called squiggles around my home) and all of the seashells are made of white chocolate. Some of the seashells are even hand and individually painted. I loved how they turned out! The sand is even edible because it's a mixture of brown and white sugars and I think it looks like real sand, as did everyone else! I think they were totally impressed and thrilled with what they got- they weren't expecting something so elaborate but if you now me, I'm always wanting to go above and beyond.
Aside from her wedding, my nephew turned 2 so I was called on to make his cake. Well, again, above and beyond is what I go for, so instead of only one cake- he got 2! He loved the Elmo cake of all I think, but I thought the lawn mower cake was the best. I didn't find too many ideas for it, but thought the John Deere symbol turned out just like the one on my pop-pop's old tractor. I spelled it wrong, but no one seemed to notice :-)
Of course after his birthday, came his sister's and she's the princess of the family so she got a pretty princess doll cake and flowered cake on top of it. The toothy-smile on her face meant the world to me!
Princess cake- Skirt is made of cake, icing and fondant. Top of dress is fondant and icing. |
Of course, there's plenty of holidays around the summer and even a few extra birthdays- for those that didn't know....Ryan turned 30 this year so of course I had to throw a surprise party for him with a bunch of family and friends! I had made a cake for his birthday beforehand so we ordered an ice-cream cake for his party as a surprise. I think that's his favorite type so maybe that's the new medium that I'll need to start working in? Now if I only had a gigantic freezer so I could decorate the cake and keep it frozen at the same time. Sounds more complicated than I would prefer because I love to spend hours on a cake...not minutes like in an ice-cream cake. We'll see- you never know what I'll come up with next.
As the close of summer, a friend of mine had to have an end of summer party for her daughter's friends so she asked for beach-themed cupcakes. Everything aside from the umbrellas is edible. Sand is made of brown sugar, teddy bears are graham crackers and the towels under them is a type of fondant. Of course the blue icing is tasty as always! The mini umbrellas just made these cupcakes even cuter than the teddy grahams! |
The birthday boy holding his ice cream cake! |
A small reminder of the 30 years he's been blessing and loving everyone around him! I'm so happy to be married to him- every day is a new joy and finding a new kind of love for him. | | | | | | |
As you can see, it's been a busy past few weeks and with fall rolling around, there's plenty of fall activities. I just found out yesterday that I have a new niece so there may be some cupcakes in their future. Welcome to the world, Eve Jubilee Peifer!
Have a great Labor Day weekend- here's a few pictures to send you on your way!
Until we meet again!
American Flag Cupcake Cake! |
Fireworks Cupcakes! |
Uncle Sam Cupcake Cake | | | | | | | | | | | | | |